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Shetland Sheepdog Dogs and Puppies
The Shetland Sheepdog is a smart and energetic herding dog breed. Also called Sheltie, the Shetland Sheepdog is known for being able to respond well to training. This herding dog is actually considered one of the smartest dog breeds. Aside from being intelligent, the Sheltie is also known for being vocal. Its loud and sharp bark is like […]
Chiweenie Dogs and Puppies | Dog Breeds Journal
For a mixed breed, a Chiweenie is definitely one of the cutest with its long but small body. It is a designer dog between a Chihuahua and a Dachshund. Ready to get to know more about Chiweenies? Read on! Chiweenie: Things to Expect With This Energetic Pooch The Chiweenie has been picking up popularity among dog lovers in the […]
Old English Sheepdog Dog and Puppies | Dog Breeds Journal
One look at the Old English Sheepdog and you would see a happy, gentle dog—even if its face is mostly hidden by fur. If you’re looking for a canine buddy to share your couch space with, you might want to check out the Old English Sheepdog. Old English Sheepdog: The Bobtailed Herding Dog Because it […]