Pekingese dogs are toy dog breeds originated from China. Although small, this furry pooch is tougher than you think. It is a proud and bold dog despite its size. Some people might even describe this dog, also called Peke, as an aggressive and strong-willed breed. Might the Pekingese be the dog you are looking for? […]
Dog Food
5 Tips on Crate Training an Older Dog
While crate training a puppy could’ve been easier, there are a number of reasons why you need to crate train an older dog. You might have gotten your precious pooch from a rescue and most probably never been house trained. Or in some cases, your dog suddenly started to become destructive. It could be difficult for […]
Bichon Frise Dogs and Puppies | Dog Breeds Journal
Beware of the Bichon Frise. This dog might be tiny but it has the power to melt your heart. Well, not literally, of course. But it does have a fluffy white coat and a pair of adorable, round eyes that are simply hard to resist. If you want a couch buddy the size of a […]
Bernese Mountain Dog Dogs and Puppies | Dog Breed Journal
The Bernese Mountain Dog is a big, cuddly, and good-natured breed from the Swiss Alps. It is recognizable by its classic, tri-color coat of black, white, and tan. Originally a farm dog, this breed naturally enjoys playing in open fields. But it can be quite happy being indoors with its family as well. This is […]
Pomchi Dogs and Puppies | Dog Breeds Journal
Crossing between a Pomeranian and a Chihuahua makes an extremely small and cute pooch, Pomchi. They are also known as Chi-Pom or Chiranian. Excited to get to know more about this breed? Read on! Pomchi: Understanding This Adorable Toy Dog Better Like the Chihuahua, Pomchis are fearless and may act stubborn at times. Being a mixed breed of two small-sized dogs, […]
Samoyed Dogs and Puppies | Dog Breed Journal
Beautiful and cuddly, it’s hard not to be enamored by the charms of the Samoyed. Get to know the Samoyed better in this post and see if this is the breed you want for a furry buddy. Samoyed: Things You Might Not Know About It The Samoyed is not just a pretty dog but it […]
Pomsky Dogs and Puppies | Dog Breeds Journal
A Pomsky is a cross between the smallest German spitz-type dog, Pomeranian and a sled dog from Alaska, Siberian Husky. Pomskies are bred using a female Siberian Husky and a male Pomeranian to avoid complication in birth if the pup took on the size of the Siberian Husky. Given the difference in size of both breed, […]
Miniature Pinscher Dogs and Puppies | Dog Breeds Journal
If you want a small and active furry buddy with a feisty disposition, the Miniature Pinscher might just be the right dog breed for you. Read this post to learn more about this tiny but fearless little dog breed. Dog Breed Facts: Miniature Pinscher The Miniature Pinscher closely resembles the much larger Doberman Pinscher in […]
Mastador Dogs and Puppies | Dog Breeds Journal
AMastador is a cross between a pure Mastiff and a Labrador Retriever. While it is a great family dog who loves affection, you need to have space for this breed because of its size. As a loving dog, it is dedicated and protective of its owner. This active dog won’t need a much long exercise, just a fair amount […]
Schnoodle Dogs and Puppies | Dog Breeds Journal
The Schnoodle is a mixed-breed dog between a Schnauzer and a Poodle. It has a playful character that he probably inherited from his Schnauzer parent and willingness of a Poodle to please, making this dog such a fine breed. The characteristics it got from both the Schnauzer and the Poodle makes the Schnoodle a good lap dog, therapy dog, […]